Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Today read an interesting article, recipes for beauty by using avocado, there are
quick and easy to make at home.Ripe avocado are best for the follwing recipes.

Face Mask

one avocado,
one teaspoon honey or lemon juice

If u hav dry skin,mash the flesh of one avocado with a teaspoon of honey and smooth
over your face with your fingers. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with
water. If your skin is oily, repeat the above recipe replace the honey with lemon juice.


one avocado
one teaspoon lemon juice
two teaspoon smooth wheatgerm

This exfoliator will help to remove dead skin cells from your face and clear your
pores. It will make your skin look brighter and feel smoother.

Blend the flesh of one avocado with a teaspoon of lemon juice and two tablespoon of smooth wheatgerm. Rub the paste gently into your face with small, cicular movements. Rinse off with clean water and moisturise with your usual moisturiser.


1 comment:

Franco said...

Hi Michelle,

Happy blogging!! Looking forward to many more tips.
